Category: Plumbing

The Main Advantages of Tankless Water Heaters

If your water heater is getting up in age and you are looking to replace it, you may not realize that you have options. Tankless water heaters are gaining popularity among homeowners because of their many benefits. Due to the fact that these appliances are relatively new to the market, many people aren’t familiar with


Home Safety: Not What You Think

You may think of home safety as having the latest alarm systems, the newest self-defense weapons, or maybe the best breeds of protection dogs. Instead of thinking in these terms, we want to challenge you to think in the terms of protecting your family from something you use every day. This thing that you use


How to Determine What Sewer System You Have

Have you ever wondered where all of your household's plumbing waste goes as you flush the toilet, only to walk away from the bathroom and forget the question? Don’t worry, it happens to people more than they’d like to admit. You probably already have an idea of what happens to the waste in your friend’s


What Those Plumbing Noises Actually Mean

South Louisiana is known for its old haunted homes, LSU football, rougaroux, voodoo, and many other scary things...However, the majority of people that live here have gotten away from the ghostly, superstitious mindset, and understand that occasionally their homes make noises in the night. Sometimes those noises in the night end up being an ongoing


The “Perfect” Plumbing Checklist

Whether you’re a new homeowner, or you’re just tired of paying for plumbing repairs, you may be thinking to yourself, “what would make my less-than-perfect plumbing system perfect?” The truth is that there’s no such thing as a “perfect” system, although you can always come close to perfect by diligently maintaining your pipes. Below is