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Don’t Get Caught Off-Guard This Season: Remember Your Winter Checklist

With winter just around the corner, there is no time like the present to take care of last-minute preparations for your home for the season ahead. Taking a few minutes now will help you ensure that your family is warm, dry, and safe for the duration of the winter season.

Here are some essential items for your homeowner's winter checklist.

Make Sure that you Have De-Icer

Don’t let a slick, icy layer take you by surprise and cause you to slip and fall. You can protect yourself by stocking up now on de-icing salt.

Place a supply on your front porch and in your garage. Be mindful of what type of de-icer that you buy. Some are more toxic than others.

This is something to remember if you have pets, or if the de-icer is likely to come into contact with your lawn.

Choose something more organic, which is less toxic. However, this is a cost worth absorbing, especially when protecting your outdoor pipes and keeping that situation from ruining your indoor plumbing as well.

Double Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Don’t risk your family’s life, your belonging or the structure of your home. You should test your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector twice a year.

Remove the cap and vacuum out the interior. Spider webs and dust can gather inside, interfering with its ability to work well.

Never paint on or around the unit, as you will dull the sensors. For extra fire safety, place fire extinguishers on each level of your home.

Maintain Ventilation and Insulation

To make your home warm and dry this winter in Baton Rouge, LA, you need two things: that good insulation and good ventilation.

Heat rises, so you are in danger of losing much of your home’s heat if the attic isn’t well-insulated. How do you know if you’ve got adequate protection?

You can head up to the attic and look, or you can pay attention to other signals, like drafts, attic leaks, mice problems, high heating bills, and fluctuating temperatures. Those are all indications.

To heat evenly, your home needs to get rid of excess moisture. You can do so in a number of ways. A heat exchange fan helps with air circulation; an exhaust fan in the kitchen and the bathroom (s) will direct moisture to these very damp rooms outside. You can even open your windows slightly for a few minutes a day to add some extra airflow to your home. If you only leave them open for a few minutes, you won’t be subject to much heat loss.