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Are You Remodeling Your Home Plumbing? Make Sure You Have a Permit

Kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, and other home improvement undertakings are exciting projects that can increase the value of your home, update the look and feel of your house, and otherwise make your abode more comfortable for you and your family.

Even though home plumbing projects require creativity and imagination, there are still formal realities that you'll have to deal with before starting work, and that includes getting the right permits. Although many homeowners aren't aware of this, permits are required for a number of plumbing projects, so we're going to talk more about this topic.

Not Getting the Right Permit Could Result in a Fine

One potential consequence of not obtaining the right permit before embarking on a home plumbing project is the possibility of being fined.

If you take on a project that requires a permit without obtaining said permit, then you could face hefty penalties now or in the future.

Moreover, if your unpermitted project is found out, then you could have to make costly repairs to update the work and make sure it’s to code, especially if you're trying to sell your home.

The Work May Not Meet Safety Standards

Permits aren’t just a bunch of red tape that has been put in place to make money or to make life difficult, but instead, they are a safety measure that's been put in place to ensure that work is done safely and properly.

For instance, if you were to replace your water heater without getting a permit, then it's possible that the water heater or gas line could be installed poorly, and this could lead to a dangerous situation that puts your family and home at risk.

As such, it's crucial to obtain the right permits (which often include inspections) to make sure work is performed in accordance with all of your area's safety standards.

Listen to a Licensed Professional: Get a Permit!

There are many plumbing experts here in Baton Rouge, LA, and all of the professionals will tell you that getting a permit is worth it.

Not only are they relatively simple to obtain, but they will also safeguard you against poor work, improper methods, safety hazards, and potential fines and other consequences.

Even if you don’t hire a professional to do the work (as long as you have the tools and knowledge to accomplish the job on your own), you should still go through the right channels if you want to:

  • Replace your water heater.
  • Add new plumbing or change your pipes.
  • Replace old or damaged drain or sewer lines.
  • Relocate pipes.
  • Do plumbing work behind a wall or under a floor.

Many homeowners take on DIY plumbing projects over the years, but sometimes they don’t realize that even seemingly minor tasks require permits. Even though it may seem like a hassle for you to get a permit to replace your water heater, for instance, there are many good reasons why you should go through the proper channels before beginning work, including to avoid fines, to keep your home and family safe, and to ensure that work is done in both a safe and proper manner.