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Your Ultimate Guide to Taking Care of Your Plumbing and Preventing Water Leaks at Home

Your house is likely your biggest debt and your biggest asset, so you always want to do everything that you can to protect your investment.

In addition to taking care of cosmetic things and making sure it is structurally in good shape through the years, you need to pay close attention to your Baton Rouge, LA home’s plumbing systems.

Water leaks are a homeowner nightmare, and even worse, slab leaks. But the good news is that you can greatly reduce the chance of experiencing a plumbing leak by taking these small steps on a regular basis. Ready to get started?

Don’t Turn to Commercial Cleaners for Clogs

It’s common for homeowners to buy commercial clog removers to try to get rid of clogs and buildup.

While these do work effectively to a certain degree, repeated use is going to damage your pipes significantly, cause decay and breakage, and eventually leak.

Rather than using a clog remover, use a plumbing snake. Better yet, keep clogs from forming at all by scheduling a professional drain cleaning every year or two.

Ideal Water Pressure

You need to water pressure to be reasonably high to be able to perform many of your household tasks, like washing and bathing. But if your water pressure is too high, you will damage your pipes and cause leaks. It’s all about balance.

What is your water pressure at? At the absolute maximum, it shouldn’t be more than 60 psi. Ideally, you should try to keep it in the 40-45 psi range for safety’s sake.

Find Leaks Early

Get in the habit of inspecting your plumbing often for leaks. Make a list so you don’t forget any areas. Take extra care in the basement and crawl spaces, where you will commonly find evidence of slab leaks.

Look outside around your lawn and garden; open up cabinets under sinks; pull out your dishwasher and washing machine to check the hoses.

If you see pooling water, moisture on pipes, peeling paint, wallpaper, or mold growth, it’s time to spring into action to fix this straight away.

Stop Corrosion

One of the major reasons for leaks is corrosion in your pipes. This happens commonly with age, but it accelerates with certain influences.

If you’ve got a lot of iron or other minerals in your water, realize that your pipes will corrode quicker. You really should upgrade to PVC pipes, because you’ll have more leaks than normal to deal with.

Have you ever had your plumbing professionally inspected? This can be a good habit to adopt as well and can alert you to potential problems before they have a chance to evolve.