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Want to Save on Your Water Bill? Try These 4 Tips and Tricks

Start 2018 off right by taking every measure that you can to cut back on your household bills in Baton Rouge, LA. There is a direct correlation between proactive maintenance and vigilance at home and how much you pay on your monthly bills. This is especially true with your water bills.

Here is a to-do list of helpful ideas that you can tackle this year to conserve water and bring your water bills down.

Have a Shower Instead of a Bath

The EPA says that you use about 70 gallons of water, vs. about between 10-25 gallons when you take a shower. That’s too big a difference to ignore, especially if you are really trying to save money.

One note- you do have to keep your showers short in order to benefit from those savings. Don’t let it run for more than about 8 minutes, which is plenty of time to have a good shower.

For maximum water savings, install a low-flow showerhead to regulate the water flow.

Alternatives for Watering Your Plants

You can have great looking plants and conserve water at the same time. Instead of running the hose or filling up your watering can from the tap, look for alternatives where you can reuse water.

One trick is to use a rain barrel to catch water naturally. You can also put a bucket in the shower to collect water while you are waiting for it to heat up. Re-use grey water (which is water that has been used for bathing, washing or cooking) in your garden. These small measures add up to big savings.

Go to the Carwash Instead

Did you know that washing your car at home yourself is actually a huge waste of water? It is far more cost-effective for you to bring your car to a commercial car wash instead.

To be even more environmentally friendly, plan to go to a carwash that uses recycled water.

Source out Plumbing Leaks

Even the smallest plumbing leak adds up to major water loss, which will contribute to high water bills. Don’t blow off a dripping tap, for instance. Those drops add up to a large water bill.

What should you watch for? Other than signs of water (i.e. pooling water, moisture on or around pipes) keep your eyes open for mold growth, damp spots, and the sounds of rushing water behind the walls. It’s worth your time and money to learn all that you can about how you can conserve water to reduce your bills.